Category Archives for Children’s Vision & Visual Development

Children’s Optometrist Gold Coast – 1 in 5 children

1 in 5 children suffer with an undetected vision problem

(source Optometry Australia 2017).

This is an issue that is close to the hearts of the team at Harmony Vision Optometrists.  We founded the practice to concentrate on providing an extended range of vision treatments to people of all ages, this inevitably lead to a strong focus on children.  Why? read more

What can I do if my child is shortsighted?

Girls eye close-up

What can I do if my child or teenager is shortsighted? 

Myopia or shortsight is an increasing vision problem worldwide and it is no different in Australia. Traditional corrections like sight correcting lenses do not slow down the increases, and recent studies indicate that in some individuals the progression may even be greater in glasses compared to no glasses at all.  The important thing to understand is that progression occurs with and without glasses and can result in more serious eye health consequences in adulthood. read more